Monday, October 15, 2012

Unmotivated = Unfulfilled

Feeling so unmotivated lately. So I think, I just need to relax then I'll be rested and able to take on the day. Doesn't seem to work, the less I do, the more I lose any sense of accomplishment.
I watch a lot of TV. There was a time in my life I remember not watching any TV. What happened? There's ways something I could watch, especially with a pvr. What a waste right? I mean, I don't think it's wrong to relax and watch a couple of shows but I don't think that should be my plan for every night, all night.
It's my birthday tomorrow, no one else could know, I was born this Tuesday 28 years ago. (For all the switchfoot_luver's out there). But it's actually my birthday tomorrow. Usually I try to make resolutions at New Years and that always works out famously (sarcasm) but tomorrow seems like a good day to resolve.
It's time to step it up. I want to be content, I want to enjoy my work, I want to love Emily better, love Maisie better, do tasks as a service and not to check them off the list to get back to tv, read, exercise, be more confident, be more humble.
I think I need to find my identity in Christ, I need to let him shape me more and more to be like Him. Right now I'm wandering. Danger! I know I'm a sheep, I'm a self-aware sheep. And I still allow myself to wander like a sheep. What the heck. I'm constantly trying to do it on my own. Pride. I can't though, I'm not happy with the person I try to make myself so I need some help.
Tomorrows a good day to start. Right now? Tomorrow's good...


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