beyond belief
i am so freaking frustrated. i hate where i work. i just have to stop thinking about it because it makes me angry. i like my job, i like the people that work directly around me(for the msot part)but when it comes to change or anything no one gives a crap. our driver was away for an entire week and then some. and guess who got to cover for her! you guessed it! and guess what's happened ot her...nothing! and i dont mind believe me, im fine with getting out on the road and whatnot but what i hate is doing two jobs and only getting paid for one. less than one for that matter. no one ever before who has done my job has been paid what i'm getting the negative way. i'm paid less than everyone who's ever had my job...which is strange since minimum wage has gone up quite a lot since my dad was doing this job for more than i'm making in like the 80's. so basically i'm getting royally screwed. and i know what everyone thinsk why dont you just get out of there. its because i actually do like my job. i just hate when the subject of raises, or change in job description comes up because i get all excited like things are finally going to happen and then they just don't.
i feel like someone should have recognized whats going on by now. i dont get rewarded for doing well and no one in our dept gets in trouble for anything. its so hard to get fired i cant believe it. anyways, hopefully i will have a ne wjob in january. and this chapter of my life can be over..
i feel like someone should have recognized whats going on by now. i dont get rewarded for doing well and no one in our dept gets in trouble for anything. its so hard to get fired i cant believe it. anyways, hopefully i will have a ne wjob in january. and this chapter of my life can be over..
Start stealing from work now. You don't have long left. Bet you could sneak out and entire engine, piece by piece by the time you leave. I wish I had pocketed more mints. I'm addicted. I'm in withdrawal. Please give me those yummy BP mints.
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