Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Death of a Truck Driver

so it was my birthday this past weekend. it's pretty cool to be 21 now i suppose. so far it sucks a little because on saturday night(oct.15th) i stepped weird and felt some pain on the right side of my right foot. pain a lot like when i cracked my 5th metatarsel on my left foot. i hoped it wasn't anything. so yesterday i went to the doctor and got x-rays and it turns out i did indeed fracture my 5th metatarsel on my right foot. so strange..i have to get a bone desnity test next week to see if it's my bones or maybe even some kind of deformaty. i should probably start drinking more milk and/or taking calcium pills(even though i have a fair amount of milk anyways).
so what does this mean for the life of Todd? well once again it's difficult to get around. i'll probably be walking with a crutch or air cast or just slowly and oddly for the next few (6-8) weeks. this also means that i cancelled my road test and truck driving lessons so getting a new job will probably be pushed into the new year. it also means most likely there will be no snowboarding for me this year(i wasn't sure about this anyways, because of my last fracture, but i was warming up to the idea). and one final thing i'm not sure about yet is if i'll even be able to play drums, the old kick pedal is kind of important (all this wasn't as big a deal when it was my left foot)
so basically my life is going to be a little different for the next couple of months. i'm going to take really good care of my foot this time because i didn't last time and i think my left foot still hasn't quite healed.plus i dont want to hurt my left one again by over compensating for the right. i want this one to heal quicker and them both to be back to normal so i can run around again, and take my driving course, and play drums, and snowboard and be mobile all without worrying about hurting my feet more...man i never thought this would be something i'd have to deal with. i'm trying to keep my spirits up about it though, because there's no point in dwelling on everything that sucks.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Four on the Floor

well i suppose there's much to talk about. i'll try and make it short though. my birthday is this weekend, and by the way if anyone reads this and wants to come i'm having people over for cake and stuff on saturday night. just email spiritdriven_hardcore@hotmail.com if you want to come. umm so i'm turning 21, i can't imagine it would normally be much different than 20. but for me 21 will probably include a new job, possibly debt free living(that one might come a few months into being 21 hehe), i might even move out and buy a house or some sort of living space while being 21...who knows. should be a good year of going down to the states and gambling and getting smashed...yea right.
so my driving lessons start in 15 days..thats 2 weeks, and then i've got to learn how to double clutch and shift like 17 gears and use air brakes and then remember to not kill anyone in the process. should be an interesting few days.
The Trends finished recording..woohoo...don't get too excited, i'm pretty sure everyone who hears it will be insulted or insulted for other people at least once and then think less of us as people. which sucks. but whatever i guess i dotn care, but i think i do..i just won't put my real name on it. too bad there's only like 6 Todd's in the world so even by first name they'll probably be able to hunt me down.."they" being the apporopriate authorities cracking down on free speech. hopefully one day i'll be in a real band, i emailed someone about drum lessons today. that might be interesting.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Climbing towards something new

alright, so after my last post i went home and started reading a book called how movies help save my soul or something. its pretty good thus far, i havent gotten to read too much of it because i've been so busy the past few days...here was my weekend.and first part of this week...
friday:swingset champion's last show with lucas(it gets more exciting)
saturday: 8 hrs of air brake class(ok maybe not, more exciting i mean)from 8am-4pm, i forgot what i did saturday night but i remember i was tired. i think i went to bed early
sunday: another 8 hrs of air brakes, then afterwards juice and jon and scott came over and then ryan came and we had pizza and then brett came and we played some hardcore texas holdem
*side note* in order to speed up the game near the end i went all in, lost, and then they decided to keep the game going to another time. thanks a lot guys.
monday: i studied and relaxed which was nice.
yesterday: i took my air brakes test and passed thank you very much. then went to a 4 hr commercial driving class, then came home and ate dinner. and for the rest of the week the Trends are recording.
phew...lots of stuff but its good, its keeping me on the move and off the couch. work seems like my only down time, which is weird. its also weird to think that probably in less than a month i will have a new job...scary?exciting?intimidating?
yes. different?? yes. it's good im going to have to break out of my bubble. i already have, at the air brakes brakes course i was mr.social, mr.strike up a conversation with anyone. its easier when u know all these people are going through the same thing as you, hitting the same walls, wondering the same questions and noticing the same differences between icbc and valley driving school haha. anyways all is well, im excited to not think about driving for a couple days and concentrate on having fun in the studio. werd up, life is good.