Thursday, December 29, 2005

i am pathetic

still working both jobs
still making the same amount
i am such a freakin push-over, and now my manager is on holidays..
i'm getting better at truck driving, two more lessons and a road test and hopefully i'll be good to go...this is me yesterday..

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

everybody's workin for the weekend

i'm not sure when else i'll get a chance to blog about this so i figure no time like the present just may be a bit rushed because i'm pretty busy as of yesterday. on monday night i got the news that our driver quit that day.(i guess she was trying to get fired) so that means they're going ahead with trying me out on two jobs. which means big pay raise(5 bucks or i'm walking) and also mon - friday again. no more working saturdays!!! so if anyone wants to party it up on any friday nights from now on just let me know! um so yes hopefully this means i will be able to stay at this job a while longer and get a mortgage probably in the fall and move! i was hoping i could stay here because apparently to get approved for a mortgage they really look at how stable and reliable you will be ( long you've been at your job) so we should be getting our debt taken care of and all that soon. all it means for me is 10 hr days and going a little more non-stop throughout the day but i am sur eit will be well worth it(watch my next blog entry will be..this was not worth it haha jk) thanks for reading and congratulating me by buying me presents and alcohol..jk..sort of..

Thursday, December 08, 2005

beyond belief

i am so freaking frustrated. i hate where i work. i just have to stop thinking about it because it makes me angry. i like my job, i like the people that work directly around me(for the msot part)but when it comes to change or anything no one gives a crap. our driver was away for an entire week and then some. and guess who got to cover for her! you guessed it! and guess what's happened ot her...nothing! and i dont mind believe me, im fine with getting out on the road and whatnot but what i hate is doing two jobs and only getting paid for one. less than one for that matter. no one ever before who has done my job has been paid what i'm getting the negative way. i'm paid less than everyone who's ever had my job...which is strange since minimum wage has gone up quite a lot since my dad was doing this job for more than i'm making in like the 80's. so basically i'm getting royally screwed. and i know what everyone thinsk why dont you just get out of there. its because i actually do like my job. i just hate when the subject of raises, or change in job description comes up because i get all excited like things are finally going to happen and then they just don't.
i feel like someone should have recognized whats going on by now. i dont get rewarded for doing well and no one in our dept gets in trouble for anything. its so hard to get fired i cant believe it. anyways, hopefully i will have a ne wjob in january. and this chapter of my life can be over..

Saturday, December 03, 2005

i'm dreaming of a white....

well it's now December...Christmas really is my favourite time of the year. i love the feeling of Christmas. i'm sure you all know what i'm talking about. i just wish i had 5 seconds to slow down and enjoy it. luckily it's the weekend for me after today, but working from 7-5 everyday and then having places to be after 5 doesn't leave a lot of time for fetiveness..that's ok tho i know there are many people more busy than me especially during the holidays so i'm grateful my life has the amount of stability it does. i'm excited to have my first Christmas as a married couple with Kirstin. there are a lot of firsts that we've had that we haven't really paid attention to because Kirstin is usually at a camp or something for every holiday during the year...i'm hoping at least Christmas can be special for us. i know it will be. i always forget how thick egg nog is but then i remember and fall in lvoe with it that i'm used to skim milk it seems even thicker...christmaaaaaaassssssss