Monday, October 30, 2006

saddest moment in cinematic history

not sure what made me think of this today. but i think one of the top contenders could be in Dances with Wolves when the civil war soldiers shoot Kevin Costner's sort of pet wolf "Two Socks". laster this evening i almost killed a deer on 152nd...and i realized that if i killed it i wouldve been really sad. how come i feel worse about animals dying than humans... in movies that is...i could watch a hundred guerilla fighters get shot in the face by Rambo or James Bond and i stand up and cheer but if a family dog dies i get all misty. is it because they can't speak for themselves? or am i a bigger pansy than i thought? if anyone has a sadder moment feel free to let me know because i am all that is emo's just interesting to think of some of the "est"(ie.funniest, scariest etc) parts of movies out there.

Monday, October 09, 2006


i dont even think i spelled that freaking word correctly but ask me if i it...see if my face comes out of your monitor and says,"hell no!".
yea i didn't think i would have time for that. anyways all i wanted to do was change my picture, i figured, new blogging season, new picture. it made sense to me. so i went to my myspace page as i did before when i put up my picture and selected the perfect one. i put in the url and the url is.. too long?? are you kidding me? what a joke. so now i'm stuck with the stupid, look at me i'm a trendy snowboarder picture, instead of my...i'm taking pictures of myself at 2am alone because i'm a huge non-trendy loser picture. so anyways apparently my webspace on myspace is simply not good enough anymore because their url's are too long. if any of my genius computer friends have any bright idea's feel free to let me know because computers can frustrate and overwhelm me pretty easily. however they can also make me laugh outloud while kirstin is asleep on the couch. sorry kirst, if that woke u up a few minutes ago. i dont think it did though
so anyways in conclusion i'm looking forward to the day where we can speak and our computer can do anything we say. yet of course it will never become to smart for it's own good...and we have every card and piece of identification in a scanable chip in our wrist. and the government or some kind of powerful corporation comes out with a tattoo or brand or marking to keep track of everyone in the world. what a grand idea, count me in...future here i come!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i almost forgot

that i even had a blog haha...oh man well it appears my last post was just before summer. let me tell you it was an interesting one...i wasn't all that lonely afetr all. i was out at the ranch quite often and i found myself henging out with a lot of different people throughout the summer so i was normally too busy to be lonely. my only regret was i didn't play as much volleyball as i wanted
im now driving full time on my own. its pretty sweet i'm enjoying it. i like driving the truck. i have a lot of funny stories from my training period that you'll probably hear one or two of if i see you ever.
im trying to go to the gym in the mornings but i am very bad at that. i am very un-motivated in the morning and it's always so much easier to change my alarm and sleep that extra time. i've been eating better though. i've been more concious of calories and things i ingest. i'm not where i'd like to be but i figure any step in the right direction is still a step in the right direction. anyways just thought i'd throw out an update...i'm currently listening to the new snow patrol record "eyes open" i listen to it at least twice a day...i'll be sick of it by saturday haha but for now it's still awesome
