Thursday, October 16, 2008

crash and burn

yesterday.morning.woke up.7:30am.

yesterday my class was doing a branch circuit competency at 7:30am. so i thought was the plan. so freaking out i ran out the door jumped in my car and started driving to school. almost on the freeway i notice my coolant temperature is fairly high. oh wait, really high. and getting higher. almost so it can't get any hotter. i'm screwed.
i freaked out, like big time. luckily kal tire is an outstanding organization ;). they topped up my coolant, i screwed the cap on as tight as possible, let my car level out and cool down a bit and drove to school.
they actually waited for me for a bit, amazing. I got there and we did the test about 5 minutes after that. crisis averted. but still, that sucked.
oh and today's my birthday. 24. whatever.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

weak end

this past weekend was pretty great. I had four days off! so...

-tried to help a friend learn how to driver her mom's sweet car
-fell asleep to anchorman in my room around 11pm

-played racquetball with one of the world's greatest
-went to see weezer in a box at GM
-talk talk talk

-went to Chris and Caitlin Henderson's wedding, danced until like 11:30 then...

-started driving up to westbank with Emily. Not even thinking about the possibility of the road being ICY ( who ever would??) we had a nice little spin around and bump into a reflector POLE in the newly acquired pathfinder...we didn't end up in the ditch, thank God but i did do a nice little number on a tail light and the panel...and i cut my knuckle and my back hurts haha

-had a sweet time hanging out with Becky Jean, going to church and family functions, being mistaken for dallas green and someone's boyfriend and both all along the way.
-had a sweet pizza, beer, movie and dance party. one to be remembered.

-drove home (only took 6 hrs) and then enjoyed some dessert and emperor's new groove with Catherine and her family

I was really depressed today. Back to school, and a nice hour and forty minute competency exam tomorrow morning. it wasn't really a weak end. it was a good way to finish it off. relaxing. indeed.

Friday, October 10, 2008

waiting to play raquetball

fell asleep watching anchorman last night. I didn't even make it past the party scene where ron cannonballs into the pool. That was at like 11. I don't even go to bed at 11 when I have to get up the next morning but I'm off today. what the heck. it does feel good to have got some sleep and be up at 9am on my first day off though. feels REAL good.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Where is my stuff??

every year as a certain season ends I think to myself, " I have to put this stuff in a place where I will remember it for next year." Then every year as that season rolls around again I find myself saying. "eff". I'm the kind of person that if I don't know where something is I go crazy looking for it until I find it or it haunts me until I do. I lay awake at night. I'm not kidding. There was this one time I was missing two hats, and it was killing me. I knew it shouldn't because they are just things but it still was. I couldn't make it stop. Then one night I was laying awake thinking about it and I got up and found them. See it pays off. hopefully that will happen with everything I can't find right now.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

New Post? are you kidding?

nope. not kidding. also, it's like 3:15am on sunday morning. i have to be at church in 5 hours. what am i doing? i'll tell you what i'm doing. i'm not capitalizing any "i"s AND i stumbled back onto my blog, re-signed in (i had to have a gmail account now and those word things are really hard to figure out sometimes)and figured i would post. run-on sentence of all time. so i know no one comes here anymore but i will post anyways. because i don't keep a journal. although i should. so obviously a lot has happened in my life because it's been, i think. 2 years since i posted last. i don't even remember posting those actually i thought it was longer ago. i won't get too personal on here but if you'd like to know more feel free to talk to me in person and take me out for..a walk. or something. good night.
oh yea and i mostly wanted to keep posting on my blog because Santosh showed me it can still be cool. hopefully i can be cool and not intelligent at the same time. probably not.